I like lots of other kinds of food besides Creole!

This is by no means intended to be an exhaustive tour or a list of "definitive" dishes. I'm very fond of many different cuisines from around the world, and I've gathered up some great recipes here and there, ones that I've learned in school, and ones that I enjoy making often. (One thing -- if you find that your own national cuisine isn't represented here, it's not a personal slight, okay?) So here they are ... be adventurous, and enjoy!

Updated Mar 1, 2004

African cuisine

Good Ol' American Home Cookin'

Australian cuisine

A while back, I came across a bunch of recipes featuring kangaroo meat; in the unlikely event you find yourself with a pound or two of roo meat, here are a few things you can do, plus some other stuff:

Brazilian cuisine

Caribbean, Latin American and Southwestern U.S. cuisine


Dutch cuisine

Filipino cuisine

French cuisine

German cuisine

Hungarian cuisine

Indian and Pakistani cuisine

Irish cuisine

Italian cuisine

Nouvelle American cuisine

Persian and other Middle Eastern cuisine

Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Caucasian and Uzbek cuisine

Souvenirs of my trip to St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia in March of 1992.

Scottish cuisine

Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian and Slovene Recipes

Spanish cuisine

Swedish cuisine

Swiss cuisine

Thai cuisine

Vietnamese cuisine

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Chuck Taggart (e-mail chuck)